A funny thing happened on the way to see Penn State's campus. I had always wanted to go to State College and see the hallowed ground on which Joe Paterno has spent 60 years turning out some of the beat college football of our time. I had good intentions, but it was lunch time and so we took a detour into the town just up the road, Bellefonte.
The Victorian architecture is beyond belief in the buildings and houses here. I could spend weeks in the town just visiting every house and building, but, in a cafe I was introduced to an even more astounding fact.
That historical marker says that the grandfather of the Mills Brothers ran a barber shop here, and that their dad, who was the bass singer in the group, grew up here before moving to Ohio where the three brothers were raised.
The little cafe, just off the square, that advertises a buffet breakfast, and has a great BLT, I can attest to that, has all its walls full of Mills Brothers stuff. I was in Heaven.
For those of you not familiar with the Mills Brothers, who finally quit singing after 50 years, in 1981. Go to You Tube and get some of their stuff. "Opus 1" and "Glow Worm" are two of my favorites.
We spent the afternoon in Bellefonte, but I saw the stadium at Penn State from the highway. It is big. Joe lost this encounter. Maybe if he learned to sing a really smooth "Cab Driver."
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