Monday, August 17, 2009

Follow The Money

Looking at the numbers that the healthcare lobbies have put into the coffers of our representatives in congress, one suddenly realizes that they are not "our representatives", they are owned by people who can give them enough money to help them fool enough of us into voting for them.
I am sure that Richard Burr will mount a great campaign next year for re-election using the 1.6 million that the healthcare industry gave to him. Little Kay Hagan has already accumulated over 200 thousand and she has not been there but a few months. Sue Myrick can surely trounce any challenger with the 600+ thousands that she has received.
I love their statements of non-committal to those who give such sums. All I have to say is; "You ungrateful slobs!! Someone cares enough about you to invest hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars, in you and you pretend that they do not really exist?"
A politician is generally an ego maniac at the start. That is what sends them down that road most of the time. But, even ego-maniacs have a price and the amounts of those gifts means that some really smart people in the healthcare lobbies found the price of what we intended to be our representatives. But, what the hey, us voters will get a chance to sell our votes in a year or so for a few promises not yet broken.
The cycle of life goes unbroken.

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