Saturday, October 31, 2009

There Should Be A Law Against Pink Dragon Outfits

Growing up in the country, Halloween just was not that big of a thing. In fact, I am not sure that it ever went beyond the fall festival stage at our elementary school. Sarah, however, dressed our sons up as all sorts of scary creatures and paraded them through the neighborhoods.
But, my daughter-in-law, Amy, simply has too much imagination, and my grandson was dressed up in this pink dragon outfit and taken to a party on base in Lawton, Ok. and then paraded around the streets later by Amy and Sarah. They thought, to use Amy's words, that he was "so cute."
I doubt that my grandson was permanently harmed by this experience, but I think that the jury is still out on that. Certainly PTSD can wait years to reveal its destructive ways.
If you have a young boy, please do not dress him up in a pink dragon outfit for Halloween, speaking for all the one and two year olds out there. If pictures of that surfaced about the time that the fellow is expressing his first rumblings of manhood, it could set the guy back for decades.

1 comment:

Darren M said...

He'll recover, eventually. At least he got to go out as a skeleton last night.