We have witnessed something like a really freaky religious revival over the last year or more. Republicans, perfectly happy to party through nearly eight years; never giving a hint of any realization of what they were doing to the country and the economy; but noticing that they were about to be put out of office and replaced by people who might party as they partied, continuing the spending binge but on people of their choosing; suddenly got religion; turned on their own and their president and their own party; and dropped back to calling themselves only Conservatives.
This was the party that roared when their second in command, Cheney, told the world that President Reagan proved that "deficits did not matter!!!" Let me repeat that. Totally unambiguously, in 2004, Cheney said that "DEFICITS DO NOT MATTER." Reagan proved it by raising the national debt to just under $3 trillion. Then the Bush administrations went about pursuing policies and legislation that added $6 trillion to the national debt. Three presidents who gave the finger to debt and still were adored and even worshiped by their followers oversaw the increase of the national debt by $8 trillion. Only Clintons administration lowered the debt to GDP ratio, something that it did by 8.8% while the three Republicans around him added 53.2 % to that ratio. There is little doubt, national debt is a Republican created problem, who have used it to create a false sense of good government management.
Now, the Republicans who got religion are.......Conservatives!!! The problem is that the term conservative has its own trappings. It is, in today's politically charged climate, undefined.
Conservatism is actually a graduated scale. Anyone can claim to be anywhere on that scale they want and then turn around and call all the ones on lower rungs by vile names like.... Liberal.
We saw a perfect example of that last week when a well known Union County native called three county commissioners Liberals. That had to sting the one who is so proud that she honors her daddy by being a good Conservative.
We all know the suburban game of "keeping up with the Jones." It is a game played by what you would call, by definition, "losers." It is a game you can not win because no matter how much stuff you have, somebody has more, always. It is the old infinity condition that given any number X, there is always an X+1. There is only one winner in the Jones game and that person does not really exist. He is on the bottom rung in keeping up with the Gates(Bill and Melinda).
The same is true in the Conservative game. I'll take your Ronald Reagan and raise you a Barry Goldwater. I'll take your Barry Goldwater and raise you a Robert Welch. Locally, I'll take your western side commissioner and raise you an eastsider. I'll take your RINO and raise you a Birther. Sorry folks, but the scale never reaches its most ridiculous, because as we have learned from Conservatives, there is always somebody more ridiculouser, kinda like that redundant superlative.
Like Zeno's paradox, about motion being non-existant because at any instant the arrow shot from the bow was in a given location; therefore motion is nothing more that a set of locations for the arrow; there is no Conservatism because there is noting more that a bunch of disconnected positions that deny the validity of all the others.
You have less trouble finding hair on a mangy dog than you do finding a real Republican these days. "Everyone's gone to the moon," as the sixties song goes. As a matter of fact, I will close with a rehashing of that song by Jonathan King.
Streets full of RINO's, all alone.
Houses full of Republicans, never home.
All the pretenders singing out of tune.
Everyone's gone to the moon.